The Nail Scene Gel Nail Training Kelowna Certified Nail Course

IMG_7251   The Nail Scene Academy presents it’s Certified Nail Courses in Kelowna with  LacQit® Gel Polish and a whole lot more!

One Day On -Hand Certified  Nail Bootcamp – $499.00 Including Advanced New Age Nail Couture Acrylics – Low Odor-Non Damaging!  Nail Technician Training providing you with a Deluxe take-home Acrylic Product Kit with an added  BONUS  LacQit® Professional Gel Manicure Kit and Dust Collector and Training.

Course Date Sunday Nov 16th, 2014 . Lunch ,Refreshments and Prizes Included!   Cut off for registration is Nov  1 rst,2014.  via email or call 250-763-nail (6245)

The Nail Scene Academy. Nail Technician Training Certification Course. Superior Qualified Instruction blended the most Advanced Technology Nail Systems. When combined with your Passion and Creative Flare – Move over Madge! Educating each of its Technicians  on how to succeed in this competitive environment is our goal.

Limited spots open-call or email to book yours  today !


Certified Gel Polish and Acrylic  Nail Course  –  $499.00

All theory done online prior to class and briefed throughout the day .

In this Fun , Informative Course you will learn,

1. Nail Anatomy

2. Common Nail Disorder’s

3. Nail Shapes

4. Client consultation and skin analysis

5. Levels of Decontamination

6. Tips for a Healthy Salon

7.How and why the Nail Products work through in Depth Chemistry Theory and On-Hand  Training in an Easy to Grasp Understanding Environment. ( The Real difference between Gel and Acrylic ,they’re from the same chemical family!) Click to read The Real Truth – Acrylic and Gel Myths vs Facts  – The Facts that are backed up by science and research, the myths are not. See how the Gel exclusive companies have been falsely marketing their gel products as the better choice – only to line their own pockets.

8. Nail Prep and Adhesion

9. Tip Application and Shaping (Using the most Advanced No-Blend ,Shadow-Free ,Full C- Curve Evolution Nail Tips – Perfect Fit on Any Nail)

10. Tip and Overlay Creating Flawless Pink and White French Manicures

11. Natural Nail Overlays

12. The Use of Forms for Sculpting and Repairs

13. Working with Colored Acrylics

14. Brush Angles and Application

15. The Art of Filing and Finishing

16. Application of  LacQit®

17. Social media and it’s role in the nail industry.

Low-odor Cosmetic Grade Acrylic Products containing only the Highest Quality,Pure ingredients available. Exclusive formulas, latest Technology and  Innovative Science combined with years of championship expertise equals guaranteed performance.

LacQit® Gel Polish – globally sold and recognized by top beauty bloggers around the world for  creating fast,easy gel polish manicures.LacQit® is the First Ever One Step No-Wipe Insta-Touch Gel Polish Formula. See us at .Being very social you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest from the website.


Education delivered to you in and  gained through Years of On-hand Client Service, OPI North American Education,  Extensive One on One Training with John Hauk – World Nail Competitor, Government Appointed Nail Tech Representative,  Product Developer- LacQit® Gel Polish , All this and a Huge Passion for the Nail and Beauty Industry giving you confidence in receiving the up-most in education!

Completion of our nail course allows you access to Wholesale Beauty Supply Outlets

With it’s home-base in Kelowna LacQit® is a Canadian Registered Trademarked Gel Polish. First sold in Canada in 2010, the Original LacQit®, a Proprietary Blend,  is not to be confused with other non- original impersonation of similar spelling or sound.

Cut off for registration is Oct 5th 2014  via email or call 250-763-nail (6245)



The Nail Scene is a partner company to City Chic Spray Tanning